SolarFlash® Slate Refit Kit
Install can be completed using New Build kit and Hallhooks – see page 8 of the installation booklet at solarflash.info
For use on existing Slate Roofs
- 1 x SolarFlash™
- 3 x Hallhooks™ & 1 x Hookpull™
- 2 x Shims (packings)
- 1 x Foam insert
- 3 x Compensation hooks
- Installation instructions
Click here for installation instructions
1- 150: £6.50 Each
151-500: £5.95 Each
If your order quantity exceeds 500+ units, we kindly request you to contact us directly at 01257 793 113 to discuss obtaining the most competitive pricing.
0 Reviews
The SolarFlash Slate Refit Kit is designed to be used on Slate roofs: natural and man-made slate.
The Slate Refit should be used on slate roof retro-fit installations. This kit comes with the metal components which allow you to replace the final course of slates when the nail holes are not accessible.
The dimensions of the ‘Large’ SolarFlash are 365mm width / 365mm length. The hood is 50mm wide / 140mm length / 40mm depth (The hood is the same size on all three types of SolarFlash).
The length of the ‘Large’ SolarFlash are based on slates being double lap (up to 100mm head lap).
The patented Hallhook allows you to replace a slate when you cannot access the nail holes. The Hallhook only works on Hip holed slates and on head laps not less than 75mm and not greater than 100mm. The ‘Large’ SolarFlash is designed to work on a maximum slate length of 600mm (24″).
There is a foam included in every kit which is required to seal the hood. The foam was designed with snow in mind to stop wind taking light snow into the roof.
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